Molly Marshall, 12 June 2020
Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600

June 12th is Molly Marshall’s Birthday. She likes to descibe me as “some weirdo that she met on the internet that she’s been friends with for over a decade” and while that is accurate, it doesn’t nearly do our friendship justice.

Molly and both have strong opinions and strong personalities, which sometimes leads to clashes between us, but at the end of the day she is one of my best friends. I’ve confided in Molly in some really tough times and she’s always been there. She’s my non-family emergency contact, a personal hero and a dear, dear friend. I love her.

Molly is dean of the Chicago Chapter of the Awesome Foundation, a global community advancing the interest of awesome in the universe, $1000 at a time. You can learn more at