Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600 The back of our office door has been colonized by the collection of baseball caps that Beth Ann and I have acquired through the years.
Wrigley Field Marquee, 17 August 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600 Wrigleyville was eerie quiet while a Cardinals home game took place without fans to watch it. Truly surreal.
Little League in Winnemac Park, 25 July 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600 We spent part of the day in Winnemac Park to celebrate our friend Carrie’s birthday from a responsible distance. Towards the end of our time there a flock of little leaguer baseball players and parents flooded the ballfields. It’s hard to believe…
Snowy Wrigley Field Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible Color Film 11*13 Got to personally walk around Wrigley Field in the snow to pick out my season ticket seats.
Wrigley Field, 355 and Ivy Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection Tuesday I got a VIP night tour of Wrigley Field as a potential season ticket holder. Pretty sweet to get to go out on the field by the warning track and see this first hand. Even in the dark it is awe…
Seventh Inning Stretch Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection Possibly my favorite part of a baseball game.
Wrigley Foul Pole Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection No better way to recover from crippling jet-lag than sitting in the sun at a mid-day baseball game. Oh also the Cubs lost.
All-Stars Polaroid OneStep 600 / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection The view from our seats at Citi Field during the MLB All Star Game.
Cubs vs Angels Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection We lost 13-2. I’d rather not elaborate.
The Play At First Polaroid Spectra ProCam / Impossible PZ-680 I started playing softball with Hari on Thursday nights.