Tag: baseball

  • Wrigley Field Brass Band Polaroid Impulse SE AutoFocus / Impossible PX-680 Color Shade 11*11 Went to the Cubs game yesterday. These fellows were outside livening things up for everyone.

  • Happy Father’s Day Polaroid Spectra ProCam / Impossible PZ-680 Color Shade Cool 04*122 My Dad flew in for a Cubs game to celebrate Father’s Day. They played the Red Sox. We lost 4-3, but it was a heck of a game.

  • John Pham at Wrigley Field Polaroid Spectra ProCam / Impossible PZ-680 Color Shade Pham is a vlogger (or “video blogger” for you non-intarweb-savvy folk), a runner, a great dude, and a friend. 

  • At the Ballgame Polaroid Spectra ProCam / Impossible PZ-680 Color Shade James and I went to the Cubs game yesterday. They beat the World Champion Cardinals 3-2 with a bottom of the 9th hit down the middle. Heck of a game.

  • Wrigley Field – Cubs vs Brewers Polaroid Spectra ProCam / Impossible PZ-680 Color Shade Morgan and I went to the Cubs vs Brewers game. (Cubs lost 2-1)

  • Wrigley Field Opening Day Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Shade Gold Edition “Baseball time is here again…”

  • Ernie Banks Statue, Wrigley Field Polaroid Time-Zero SX-70 AutoFocus / Impossible PX-70 Color Shade Baseball season is rapidly approaching and I’m getting excited. Also, this happens to be one of my favorite places in the city to sit and think.