Tag: dog

  • Tomb of a Dog, 19 April 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE / Impossible Color 600 (Expired) Wandering through Graceland Cemetery we found this dog shaped headstone. There were no markings to indicate the ownership but it was coincidentally located right next to a bunch of Morrison family plots, which only makes me want to learn more.

  • Daily Walks, 18 April 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE / Impossible Color 600 (Expired) It was a gorgeous day so the three of us took a family walk.

  • Marla, 17 April 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE / Impossible Color 600 (Expired) This is Marla our lovely little mutt with her own Instagram. Due to the lockdown we’re unable to get her groomed, which you can see she is desperately in need of. She’s loving having us both around full time.

  • Maddie Chartier Polaroid SLR 680SE  / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection One of David and Jessie’s wonderful pups. They had a housewarming party the other night. It was grand.

  • Jess’s Songwriter’s Circle Polaroid Impulse SE AutoFocus / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection My friend Jess Godwin has been organizing little songwriting / singing gatherings in her home. Despite my lack of any musical talents I was invited to join in on one of these. It was a blast and extremely relaxing. Great people, good wine, pleasing…

  • Breaking Bad Finale Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection For the last two mini-seasons I had the privilege of spending Sunday’s at Marcus’ place watching Breaking Bad with these lovely folks. It was something I looked forward to every week. I’m going to miss it dearly. For some reason though my camera’s flash…

  • Oscar and Maddie Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection Spent Sunday at David & Jessi’s with Beth Ann and these two dogs to watch the Packers game.

  • Anna and Danny Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection Anna had a party in her back yard for her birthday. Her back yard parties are always a good time. Especially when Danny (her dog) is out and about.

  • Edmund Polaroid Spectra ProCam / Impossible PZ-680 Color Protection My friend Allysa’s dog Edmund likes to sit up on his hind legs for attention. However the moment you try to photograph him he stops. It took several attempts to get him to stay but I finally caught him.

  • Winston Polaroid SLR 680SE  / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection 11*12 My parents’ Westie.