Unseasonably Nice Day in Lakeview Polaroid OneStep / Impossible PX Color Shade 680 Isn’t it supposed to be winter?
Pulaski Park Polaroid OneStep / Impossible PX Color Shade 680
WBEZ Volunteers Polaroid OneStep / Impossible PX Color Shade 680 WBEZ held a “Making Your Own Job” event last night that was filled beyond capacity. These gentlemen were working the door.
Garvey and his mother on his wedding day Polaroid OneStep / Impossible PX Color Shade 680
Snowy Chicago Theater Polaroid OneStep / Impossible PX Color Shade 680
Mike Polaroid OneStep / Impossible PX Color Shade 680 (Yes the Dog’s name is Mike. No he’s not mine.)
Juniper Park at Dusk Polaroid OneStep / Impossible PX Color Shade 680 A little better than yesterday. Getting film discoloring though. Generally not my fault unfortunately.
Juniper Park at Night Polaroid OneStep / Impossible PX Color Shade 680 Still trying to get the hang of low light shots with this.