Tag: katie pecho

  • Katie’s Birthday

    Katie’s Birthday

    Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600 Two attempts and the flash didn’t fire. We celebrated Katie’s birthday with Pequod’s pizza and mug cakes.

  • Christmas Crew, 25 December 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600   For Christmas Day Beth Ann, Katie, and I spent the evening on the couch watching Christmas movies.

  • Birthday Party, 20 November 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600   Beth Ann and Katie turned our living room into a faux concert venue and threw a dance party for my birthday.

  • Exploring Linne Woods, 13 October 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600   Beth Ann, Katie, and I went for a walk in Linne Woods up in Morton Grove.

  • Katie, 25 September 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600   Katie was having a… dramatic set of days after a major personal realization. We’ve talked a lot about our COVID guidelines and testing routines and given everything going on she is the first, and only, person we’ve had ‘mask off’ in our home in many month. We’ve…

  • Plant Shopping, 13 June 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600 The Wasteshed was having a sidewalk sale so we went and our friend Katie met us there. After looking through the selection the three of us went across to ‘Christy Webber Farm & Garden Center’ where we picked out a number of houseplants. The staff was…