Snowy Wrigley Field Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible Color Film 11*13 Got to personally walk around Wrigley Field in the snow to pick out my season ticket seats.
Seventh Inning Stretch Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection Possibly my favorite part of a baseball game.
Wrigley Foul Pole Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection No better way to recover from crippling jet-lag than sitting in the sun at a mid-day baseball game. Oh also the Cubs lost.
Cubs vs Angels Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection We lost 13-2. I’d rather not elaborate.
All Quiet on West Waveland Avenue Polaroid Spectra ProCam / Impossible PZ-680 Two days after the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup, The Cubs are up in Milwaukee and Wrigleyville is quiet again.
Crosstown Classic Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection I took this yesterday at the Cubs game. This couple was sitting together and I just loved the way they looked side by side.
First Night Game of the Year Polaroid Spectra Procam / Impossible PZ-680 Color Protection 11*12 Morgan and I went to the first night game of the year at Wrigley.
At the Ballgame Polaroid Spectra ProCam / Impossible PZ-680 Color Shade James and I went to the Cubs game yesterday. They beat the World Champion Cardinals 3-2 with a bottom of the 9th hit down the middle. Heck of a game.