Tag: toy

  • Waiting for a Ride, 9 September 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600   With everyone stuck at home lots of us are doing deep cleanings. Cycling around I discovered this rain-soaked stuffed bear, in a chair, waiting to be picked up as trash. There was something beautiful and sad about it at the same time.

  • Lego Village, 17 June 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE/Polaroid Color 600 Sometimes it’s nicer to go to a fantasy world.

  • 100 Acre Woods Gang, 15 April 2020Polaroid SLR 680 SE / Impossible Color 600 (Expired) Shortly after leaving my job in 2018 I went to see ‘Christopher Robin’ in theaters. I was facing such a severe case of burnout that the film resonated with me in a way that I wasn’t expecting. I then learned that…

  • Kaneda Polaroid Spectra Procam / Impossible PZ-680 Color Protection 11*12 A toy from the groundbreaking 1988 Japanese animated film Akira. Kaneda sits on his cycle defending my books.

  • Lego X-Wing Polaroid SX-70 AutoFocus / Impossible PX-70 Color Protection NIGO Built this the other night.

  • Turtle-Mobile Under Construction Polaroid SLR 680SE  / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection 11*12 Couldn’t leave the house yesterday because I was in so much pain from surgery. So I stockpiled on Lego kits and built a bunch of pieces.