Tag: trunk

  • Family Artifacts Polaroid Spectra ProCam / Impossible PZ-680 Color Protection My grandfather’s civil defense helmet and a cigar box he gave me sitting on top of my other grandparents’ trunk. This is what my living room is becoming slowly.

  • New Glass Polaroid SLR 680SE / Impossible PX-680 Color Protection 09*11 I originally tried to photograph my friends with whom I saw Wreck-It Ralph with but unfortunately the photo did not turn out. Instead, here is the new glass I purchased yesterday to cover my grandfather’s old trunk so it can be properly used as…

  • Grandfather’s Trunk Polaroid Spectra ProCam / Impossible PZ-680 Color Shade Cool 04*12 This trunk was my grandfather, we believe his second wife bought it at a garage sale. Either way I think it’s really kinda cool. It’s covered in stamps, stickers and passes from travel all over.